Central to the religious life of the school is the person of Jesus Christ who came among us ‘as one who serves’ (Luke 22.27). Our Catholic school is committed to reaching out to help those in need, through charitable outreach initiatives. All outreach activities connect to the person of Jesus Christ and to the sacraments, especially the Eucharist. Drawing on the Catholic Social Teaching of the Church, we have a deep commitment to supporting a range of charitable organisations, families and individuals in need.


St Aloysius Catholic Primary School Cronulla has a mission to develop our students’ ability to form healthy, respectful relationships based on Christian values, and for them to be empowered to make a positive difference in their world.

We encourage our students to become involved in Mini Vinnies, Caritas and other special outreach programs to help those in need within the community. By being involved, students are introduced to social justice issues, to the St Vincent de Paul Society, humanitarian relief programs and to the concept of living faith through action.

As part of the Mercy Tradition, students in Year 5 and 6 host an annual Mercy Market Day, demonstrating entrepreneurship in setting up their own stalls and raising money for Mercy works and student-selected charities.